The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue – Plot Summary & Ending Explained
In "The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue" by V.E. Schwab, readers are transported into a mesmerizing world where a young woman named Addie LaRue makes a Faustian bargain to escape a stifling fate. In 1714 France, desperate to avoid an arranged marriage and an ordinary life, Addie strikes a deal with a dark and elusive god-like figure known as Luc. The terms of the agreement grant Addie eternal life but come with a caveat – no one will remember her. Addie becomes "the girl who slipped through time," invisible to all she meets.
The narrative unfolds through three timelines: the 18th century when Addie makes the pact, the early 20th century as Addie navigates the challenges of immortality, and the present day when she encounters a young man named Henry, who remembers her name. The story seaml...